I was in a yucky mood today.
Not sure where it came from, but it was yucky.
-Maybe it was the weather.... dark and rainy all day.
-Maybe it was not sleeping well.... it took me FOREVER to fall asleep, then I was wide awake for a couple of hours at some point in the middle of the night, then Ryan was up sleepwalking (or should I say sleepsearching**) at some other ungodly hour of the morning, and then I heard Sawyer awake in his room before 6AM.
-Maybe it was having to run outside in the pouring rain to fix a downspout I luckily noticed was knocked out of place outside my bedroom... creating a HUGE pool of rainwater in the rockbed that looked like it was ready to make the break into our basement any minute.
-Maybe it was the fact that I noticed said pool of rainwater a mere 30 minutes before we had a guy come out for a house inspection. The last thing we need right now is a wet basement. Did I mention the
pouring rain all morning? Fortunately I think I caught and fixed the downspout in time. Tried to slice my finger off with a bent part of the downspout though.
-Maybe it was the fact that Porter was whining after me all morning, wanting to be in the same room as me at all times, preferably without Sawyer in that room also it seemed.
-Maybe it was the fact that Sawyer was asking to be put in his bed for a nap by 9:30 in the morning. And I made him stay up until after lunch.
-Maybe it was that I had stupidly put off some random housecleaning/miscellaneous quick-fixes for the last minute before the inspector came this morning, and then Porter and Sawyer decided to gang up and test my ability to really do all those things with them around.
I think I would have gone crazy had my mom not been here today. I didn't feel like it made much difference with the moods both Sawyer and Porter were in... they were both pretty inconsolable at times... but at least she tried to keep them distracted, help out and keep an eye on them so I could get a few things done in short bursts.
But then,
+Porter was in a better mood after lunch (as always, after Sawyer went down for a nap... and I'm really starting to think that's not a coincidence).
+And I finally gave in and put Sawyer to bed early after he refused to eat any lunch.
+And the inspector came and went and got that over with.
+And then since the inspection was done, Nic had taken P home, Sawyer was asleep and Savannah was down for her rest time with another 30 minutes to go, I decided I needed a nap. I went and hid in my bed and then woke up almost 2 hours later.
Ahh, that was nice.
+And then Sawyer and I had only been up from napping for maybe 20 minutes when Ryan surprised us by coming home from work early.
+And announced we were going out to dinner this evening.
So my yucky mood and morning are gone... hopefully not to repeat anytime soon. Apparently a little naptime can work wonders!!
**Ryan's SleepSearching episode last night:
I woke up to find him getting out of bed patting down the bed like he was feeling around for something. I asked him what he was doing and he mumbled something I couldn't understand (not that I was wide awake myself, mind you). Then he threw back the sheets and was feeling around in the bed for something. I began to think maybe he had dreamt about bugs or something in the bed. I asked him again what he was doing and what he was looking for. He TOTALLY snapped at me and said, "Nothing, go back to sleep". He then grabbed his cell phone that was next to the bed and opened it up, using it like a flashlight and started looking around for something on the floor. Like I said, I was very tired and not completely awake, so at that point I just rolled over and don't remember anything else. And this morning I had totally forgotten about the whole thing.
So Ryan comes home today and he asks me if I remembered him getting up last night. It all came back to me and I started laughing and asked him what the heck he was doing. He said all he remembers is that he was dreaming about having some important papers and that he had been holding them in his hand and then he woke up and they were gone. So he got up and started searching our room for these papers!! He had to find those papers! He's still not sure if he was even awake searching or if he was still dreaming, but it was hilarious!