Ryan keeps calling it my 'birthday weekend' (must be trying to make up for last year when we did nothing but grab dessert -albeit some of the best dessert ever from the Konditerei in Salem- and bring it home to sit in front of the tv. and yes that was my big three-oh.), but all that's on my mind is Christmas preparations. I actually keep forgetting tomorrow's my birthday.
We were supposed to go out tonight with the Huffs and the Barczaks. Three out of the six of us have the same birthday... Don, Nicole and I all have the birthdate of December 10th... isn't that crazy?! So we had -correction Ryan had taken the initiative and actually got the ball rolling with the other Ryan and Katie to (sort of) surprise us- made plans to go out for a nice dinner and maybe some bowling or something fun after that. Well, not entirely all the plans were taken care of, because even though my Ryan had called the one babysitter we know here in Jackson way ahead of time, when she was unavailable he kind of dropped the ball on lining up another one in a decent amount of time. To give him credit, he did call a couple other girls we got numbers for, but they were also unavailable and then we just kind of ran out of time. So we canceled our big night out, and here I sit blogging while Ryan is out picking up chinese food and a movie. Woo-hoo! Do we know how to celebrate, or what?!
Anyway, like I said, it seems all that's on my mind is Christmas stuff. I was actually feeling like going out tonight would be putting a cramp in my holiday busy time. If we were going out, I would have had to clean the house for the babysitter, had an actual dinner ready for the kids and would not have gotten half the things done today I did. We ran a bunch of errands for the first half of the day, got pretty much all of our Christmas shopping DONE (yay!!),
So here's my biggest project of the gifts. The one I felt clueless on. I had the idea just a few days before Thanksgiving and bought the canvas for it during the Black Friday sales. I really didn't give it another thought until I started working on it this past Thursday.
As I was trying to figure out attaching the dowels and how to hang it today, I asked Ryan what he thought of it. His reply was, "I think it looks pretty good considering you didn't know what you were doing." Um... thanks... I think.
The verse I did at the bottom is 2 Peter 3:18- "Grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord."
Next up... I'm attempting to do one for my own kids. We'll see if that really happens before Christmas or not. Savannah must have asked me ten times today if I would measure her on Taegen's chart. I'm having second thoughts on whether I want to have one in my house for keeps...
p.s. Happy Birthday to Becky!!! Kind of weird to not be celebrating our birthdays together. Hope you have a fun weekend!
Happy Birthday Heather!!!! We miss you guys!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER!! Hope you had a great day!
Heather the growth chart is awesome. Of course you want a couple for your house. They can color coordinate perfectly with their room. I have been looking at different ones,but couldn't find the right colors. I probably never will. ... besides,you can make it a game with Savannah. You only measure on the 1st of the month,when the calendar changes. I think it was hard for me not to have any girls here with birthdays to celebrate.Didn't like it,not one little bit!! But we had Chinese too!:)
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